Friday, March 25, 2016

The list.

Lists. Everybody loves lists (except maybe a list of groceries, unless you're an avid cook or my mom). Take for example the popular comedy website Most of their articles consist of different types of lists, which range from the informative to the opinionated, and everybody loves to read them.

This is a list I wrote a few years ago for a music website called Now, its far from perfect, but you get the idea: Anyone can, and should write them.

Why make a list though? Well...why not? They're fun to read, a good way to express yourself and an excellent writing exercise.

For our first workshop activity, I want you to write a list. On what? Well, the sky is the limit, but here are some ideas:

-Favorite films of the decade (so far).
-Most disappointing music collaborations.
-Most bizarre scientific discoveries.
-Greatest singers of all time.

Your list should contain:

-A striking title.
-A short introduction that contextualizes the list.
-At least 5 items.
-Logical order.
-At least a paragraph that elaborates on your reasoning for the item's position on your list.

You can use websites like to create said list, or simply submit it as a word document.

Get to it!

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